- ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Item Number and is a unique identifier for all products in the retail catalog. This is the product number that Amazon uses most in all its data.
- EAN stands for European Article Number and is a 13-digit product identifier representing products as a barcode used internationally.
- ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number and is a Global industry-standard identifier, used principally for books and used some DVDs, CDs, etc.
- SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit and is a merchant specific identifier for a purchasable good. Most of your products in your systems refer to the SKU.
- UPC stands for Universal Product Code and is a standard type of barcode widely used in North America and some other countries for tracking trade items. Your systems will most likely also use this number to identify your products on your system. Amazon makes use of the SKU, UPC/EAN and the ASIN in most of their data and reports.
- FNSKU stands for Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit and is a set of digits that you print and place on your products that allow a picker to identify your product so that the correct item is pulled when a sale occurs.These codes will be unique to your inventory so if an item is misplaced or returned the item will track back to your seller account. This number is used primarily for 3P Sellers on Seller Central.
- GTIN stands for Global Trade Item Number. This can be a 14 digit number that identifies a product.It can also be an umbrella term for UPCs and EANs.
- Part Numbers and Model Numbers generally refer to your own unique product identifier which is typically your SKU code or UPC.