Account Assistants provides a spreadsheet with list of products approved by the client. The spreadsheet needs to have the following columns: SKU, ASIN, Product Tittle, Link to the product page or web site (optional).
Step 2: Keyword Research
After receiving the list of ASIN's that need kw research download this spreadsheet template. As we can see on the image bellow that spreadsheet has the following headline columns:
Spreadsheet headline Kw research template
Start by analyzing the product, reading through the product description and determining the keywords that best describe the product. In case we already have running ad campaigns we download the Search Term Report filter out the good performing kw for that product, copy and paste them in the "STR" column of the template. We compare those keywords with our own notes from the product analysis. Next, go to Google Ads. Navigate to "Tools and settings" > "Keyword Planner" > "Discover new keywords". Here enter 3 to 5 keywords that you have selected as main root keywords for the product. Click "Get Results". Sort by relevancy. "Download Keyword Ideas". Open the downloaded spreadsheet and start by analyzing the keywords. Delete those that are not directly relevant. Limit the number of kw to about 200 - 300 depending of the search volume. Don't include kw with less than 1K in search volume. If branded kw appear in the results copy and paste them in the "Competitors KW" column.
Second tool we use is Brand Analytics. Login to Seller Central, navigate to "Reports" > "Brand Analytics".
Enter one by one the root kw's in the "Search Term" box. Download the results. The search terms copy and paste in the "Amazon Search Terms" column in the template and the "#1,#2,#3 Clicked ASIN, copy and paste in the "Competitors ASIN" column. Now, to make reverse ASIN analaysis take the #1 clicked ASIN's for each root term and put them in "Enter ASINs or Products" search box. Amazon will display the keywords that this product is ranking. Add those kw in the "Reverse ASIN" column. If any branded terms appear add them to the appropriate "Competitors KW" column.
Third tool is again from Amazon. Navigate to "Advertising" > "Campaign Manager". Click on "Create campaign"> "Continue" on Sponsored Products > select "Manual targeting", enter the ASIN you want to target, scroll down, select "Keyword targeting", under Keyword Targeting choose "enter list" tab. There add one by one the root terms. Amazon will give variations of that kw that are actual search terms.
Select all relevant results, copy and paste them in "Amazon Search Terms" column. Cancel the creation of the campaign.
Creating the backend string. For the creation of the string you can use this online tool, excel or any other similar tool that will serve the purpose. Start by selecting all kw from "Amazon Search Terms" column and paste them in the tool. Next, take the "Google KW" and the kw from the "STR". Keep the original order and remove all the duplicates. Copy and paste the results in the "String" column. If the number of characters in the cell exceeds 250, start deleting words from the end toward the front until you reach 250 characters.
Step 3: Uploading the backend strings
In the original document with the list of ASIN's from the account assistant add "String" column and paste all appropriate strings for each ASIN.
Assistant uploads the backend strings into Amazon.