There are two ways for keyword and ASIN's harvesting. The first option is directly from the campaigns in the Campaign manager module and is only available for Sponsored products campaigns. Second option is from the Advertising Reports page, Customer Search Term Report.
Step 1: Navigate to menu Advertising > Campaign Manager
Step 2: Enter in one of the ad groups
Step 3: Click on the "Search terms" tab. Here you will find the actual search queries that a customer inputed in the search bar before clicking on the ad and purchasing the product. The ASIN's are showing
Step 4: Select the maximum date frame of 65 days, apply appropriate filters for the KPI's that are in line with your account goals, and the result would be a list of keywords and ASIN's that can be transferred to manual keyword and product targeting campaigns. The same tab exists for manual targeting campaigns where you can see the Customers search terms that different keywords triggered depending of their match type.
Step 1: Navigate to menu Reports > Advertising report.
Step 2: Click on the "Create report" button
Step 3: From here you can generate a CSV file for download that will have all campaigns depending of the campaign type you choose.
Step 4: In this step you can label your report pull and Schedule time of delivery. Good practice is to have reoccurring month over month pull for regular update of converting kw in the campaigns.
Step 5: Click on Run report button
Step 6: Go back to the Advertising reports, click on the download icon from the list next to the name of your report.
Step 7: Open the document. You will see that in the headline of the spreadsheet there are all important metrics for the performance of your campaigns. One of the columns is labeled "Customer Search Terms". These are the actual search queries that the customer made before clicked on the ad, or the ASIN code of the last product page that the customer visited before made the purchase. You can find good converting kw by filtering the metrics in accordance with your advertising goals.
Step 8: Select the good converting kw and add them to the appropriate ad group of a manual targeting Sponsored products campaign or Sponsored brands campaigns directly by clicking on the "Targeting" tab.
Step 9: Click on Add keywords button
Step 10: Select "enter list" tab. Copy the keywords from Customer Search Term column and paste them in the text box. Choose bid. Select all or some of the match types and click "Add keywords". To read more about the keywords match types click here