- You can view your EDI transmissions via Vendor Central EDI Operational Analytics.
- To review transmission issues:
- Select "Operational Analytics" from the Drop-Down Menu of the "EDI" tab on the top menu of Vendor Central.
- Select your vendor profile (in case you have multiple profiles defined through Self Service Setup).
- Select by a date range, transmission attribute or business object.
- If you cannot find the transmission by using the object type (for example, PO number), try searching by file name or remove any filters.
- Narrow down your search by applying filters to analyze reasons for failures or other transmission states.
- To see a more detailed view, click the number in the "Documents" column to review the specifics of each document (by single or multiple documents).
- To quit the detail view, click the "Back to transmissions" link.
- To save a transmission to your local computer, select "Download" from under the "Action" column.
- Note: In case of operational issues at your end, you can initiate a re-delivery through your backend systems for a new transmission from Amazon to you, without the need to contact Amazon support.