- Log on to your download account with your specific download account and password.
- Download the EDI documents from Amazon.
- Amazon does not require any staging mechanism when using Amazon FTP server so files are only visible if they are ready for downloading.
- The default naming convention for outbound order files is: vendor code + 850 + ####.
- A purchase order might look like this: VEND850.I7574203.
- Note: Files you receive from Amazon are outbound for Amazon and inbound for you.
- Files accessible through this account include:
- Purchase orders
- Functional acknowledgments
- Other documents for both ANSI X12 and EDIFACT/EANCOM standards
8. Delete files after you pick them up.
9. Note: Amazon can easily resend a copy of a missing file if you contact them. Click Contact Us on any Vendor Central page and select EDI Integration to request another copy.
10. Use your upload account and password to upload your EDI documents.
11. Because Amazon does not use a staging mechanism for the Amazon FTP server, files will not be visible to Amazon unless they are fully uploaded.
12. Each file is required to have a unique name with a standardized extension.
13. Many vendors derive a unique file name by including date, time or document type.
14. Note: At this stage, files are incoming for Amazon and outbound for you.
15. Files for upload account usage include:
- Purchase order acknowledgments
- Order responses
- Inbound functional acknowledgments
- Invoices
- Advance shipment notifications
- Other documents for both ANSI X12 and EDIFACT/EANCOM standards